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Cambodia Shooting Ranges Outdoor Phnom Penh

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Sihanoukville Koh Rong Island Boat Tickets

Book your Sihanoukville to Koh Rong island or Koh Rong Samleoum island’s roundtrips speedy boat ticket with Cambodia Shooting Ranges Outdoor Phnom Penh is guaranteed and secured to have a flexibilities ticket, it’s meant when you are arriving Sihanouk or before some of you arrival to Sihanouk Ville and Koh Rong port dock.

The price of the ticket from SihanoukVille to Koh Rong Samleoum or Koh Rong island is 25 USD for one person, within the fee you are able to come back to the mainland of Sihanoukville without paying anymore extra “money”

within the balance of 25 usd fee, you are able to take the speedy boat from SihanoukVille to Koh Rong, and then from Koh Rong island to Koh Rong Samleoum island after that from Koh Rong Samleoum island to Koh Rong island then finally Koh Rong island to Sihanoukville easily, no need to pay more extra value of your money. but it need you to keep the ticket you bought and to show the boat staffs at all time when you are decided to catch the boat to other destination. If you lost the ticket then it need to buy an extra one

Book your Sihanoukville-Koh Rong island or Koh Rong Samleoum island with Cambodia Shooting Ranges Outdoor Phnom Penh it’s for better traveling and hustle free ever.

Sihanoukville Koh Rong Island and Koh Rong Samleoum island boat trip Tickets depart everyday

One Day depart 4 time
7.30am, 9.00am
8.30am, 11.30am
Afternoon and Evening
12.00pm, 3.00pm
2.30pm, 5.00pm
Please be noted, Children from 5-10m age year old is 14 USD each
Children under 5 years is free

Beside, the boat trip from Sihanoukville to Koh Rong island and Koh Rong Samleuom island, Cambodia Shooting Ranges Outdoor Phnom Penh also provides private taxi car drivers to go to any provinces across Cambodia territory, you just tell us your location of where you are at at moment,  then on coming of our meeting day we are waiting for you at your hotel lobby receptionist already.

Cambodia’s popularity destinations towns, counties are Phnom Penh, Kampot, Kep, Sihanoukville, Siem Reap, Battambong and more…. Those of the areas are easy to get a Private Taxi Driver Service as soon as possible and it also is able to book and leaving at the time after one hour of the booking

  the driver is able to depart to our meeting point at any of your desirable times, please be feeling free visit our partnership

Lastly, if you are on a way to go to Sihanoukville’s Koh Rong or Koh Rong Samleoum from Phnom Penh city or your way back to the capital of Phnom Penh, then want to have a stop to fire those of your favourable weapons then it will be a great time for you to get them, feel free to contact us the Sihanoukville Boat terminal office departure
Cambodia Shooting Ranges Outdoor Phnom Penh is very pleasured to arrange everything you needs, related to traveling destination crossing water way
Private taxi for Phnom Penh Sihanoukville Kampot Kep Taxi Drivers or to go to Siem Reap AND Siem Reap Private Taxi driver to escort you

There are the speedy boat for Sihanoukville to Koh Rong island and Koh Rong Samleoum island, 🌴 enjoy the fresh ocean on your whole holiday