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Cambodia Shooting Ranges Outdoor Phnom Penh

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Targets Shooting Ranges Cambodia

Targets Shooting Ranges Cambodia, Shooting Range club Phnom Penh targets is abilities to offer you a whole day or half day long for trip he gun shooting’s targets for you to play for all day long and it made your shooting experience is more joyful and became the unforgettable holiday are bellow. select those of the target to blow things up or shoot them up with riffle like AK47 M16 and other shooting riffles and those targets can shoot with M79, RPG but some targets is need to add gas tanks or fueled barrels in. Watermelons, ceramic plates, coconuts and gas cans are good to shoot your riffles like M16, AK47, PKM machine guns, pistols, RPD, T97 and CKC’s bullets Gas Tanks is good to go with your riffles like M16, AK47, PKM machine guns,  RPD, T97 and CKC’s bullets and RPG (bazooka or well known as Rocket Launcher) and if the rpg hit the target of the gas tanks then the flame and explosion is greatly huge than your expectations Car, House and Tuk Tuk is a very need to add fueled barrels and or gas tanks in there